The Role of Practical Training in Hospitality Education

The Role of Practical Training in Hospitality Education

In the fast-paced world of hospitality, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. Employers seek candidates who not only understand the concepts of hospitality management but also possess the hands-on skills needed to excel in real-world settings. This is where...
Hospitality Industry मध्ये मोठी ताकद : श्रद्धाराजे भोसले

Hospitality Industry मध्ये मोठी ताकद : श्रद्धाराजे भोसले

कोकणातील मनमोहक निसर्ग, जगाला वेड लावणारी खाद्य संस्कृती, लोककलेची परंपरा याबरोबरच आता कोकणची जगभरात ओळखं बनलं आहे ते कोकणचं नं. 1 महाचॅनेल “कोकणसाद LIVE”. कोकणचं पारंपारिक प्रतिबिंब जपत, कोकणातील ताज्या घडामोडींचे 24 x 7 अपडेट देत, नव्या कोकणचा ग्लोबल...